zaterdag 8 september 2012

spreuken en wijsheden september 2012

  • Der Friede beginnt im eigenen Haus. (Karl Jaspers)
  • Le véritable metteur en scène de notre vie est le hasard. (Pascal Mercier)
  • There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. (Celia Thaxter)
  • Men kan geen handen schudden met een gebalde vuist.(Golda Meïr)
  • Nothing ever goes away until it teaches us what we need to know. (Pema Chodron)

You Have a Choice
  • You can choose to listen to people who bring you down, or to tune in to those who lift you up.
  • You can choose between making a snide, destructive comment, or you can make an encouraging, uplifting one.
  • You can choose to sit and worry about the worst that could happen, or you can start making progress now, and choose to have faith that everything will work out.
  • You can choose not to contact that person because you could be rejected, or you can reach out because you might be accepted.
  • You can choose fear or choose bravery.
  • You can choose to play their game, responding to negativity with more negativity, or you can turn their energy into a source of creativity and opportunity.
  • You can ignore your inner genius because it doesn’t fit within someone else’s worldview, or you can embrace who you were meant to be and give all you have to the world.
  • You can choose to blame others or to take responsibility.
  • The energy it takes to make either of these choices is the same.
  • You always have a choice.